Apktool framework
Apktool framework


Instead, it's designed to t analyze apps, fix errors, add new features or extend support for other platforms, to name some examples. It will start installing Framework ( need for Recompiling - Decompiling ) Im trying to recompile MiuiSystemUI.apk, Ive gotten it to decompile etc, and. Keep in mind that the maker of ApkTool disapproves of piracy and other non-legal uses of this application.

apktool framework

All files can be forcefully built by skipping changes detection (-f,-force-all). To rebuild the Android app after making code modifications, users can input apktool b. Meanwhile, apktool if|install-framework can be used for setting up a framework, where it's possible to specify a directory for storing framework files (-p,-frame-path ) and to tag frameworks (-t,-tag ).


Decode Android apps, install frameworks, and rebuild the APKs Furthermore, ApkTool can be instructed to use the tagged framework files or the ones located in a specified directory (-t,-frame-tag or -p,-frame-path ), as well as to skip the decoding the resources or sources (-r,-no-res or -s,-no-src). The apktool d syntax can be used for decoding the Android app, where the destination directory can be deleted by force (-f,-force) and the apk.out default output name of the folder can be changed (-o,-output ). ApkTool was designed to help developers deconstruct Android apps, examine the original source code, make changes to improve the apps or resolve errors, as well as to put the apps back together in binary APK/JAR. To be able to use this program, it's necessary to have Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed, along with (at least) basic skills of Android SDK, AAPT and smali.


Reverse-engineer Android APK files with ease

apktool framework

With its help, Android developers can decode resources from third-party, closed and binary APKs, whether they want to extract and take a look at resources.arsc, 9.png, x, XMLs or other files. Made for reverse-engineering Android APK files, ApkTool is a free and open-source tool that drops the graphical interface in favor of the command-line environment.

Apktool framework